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The command "cci.pyana" can be configured to display the diffraction images streamed from an XTC file.
The command "cxi.pyana" can be configured to display the diffraction images streamed from an XTC file.
== Configuring the viewer ==
== Configuring the viewer ==

Latest revision as of 16:16, 19 October 2016

The command "cxi.pyana" can be configured to display the diffraction images streamed from an XTC file.

Configuring the viewer

Add to the mod_view section of your pyana config file as follows:

modules = my_ana_pkg.mod_view
num-cpu = 1

address     = CxiDs1-0|Cspad-0
calib_dir   = /reg/g/cctbx/sources/cctbx_project/xfel/metrology/CSPad/run4/CxiDs1.0_Cspad.0
dark_path       = /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxib9713/res/darks/r0001-Ds1-avg.pickle
dark_stddev     = /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxib9713/res/darks/r0001-Ds1-stddev.pickle
detz_offset = 555

# Suitable values depend on the repetition rate of the instrument.
n_update    = 120
n_collate   = 60

The command is run as follows:

cxi.pyana -c myconfig_file.cfg /path/to/xtc/streams/e346-r0007-s0[0-4]-c00.xtc

The command will marshal together all events from streams 0-4 in run 7 of experiment 346. Those events with the CXI imaging detector with the given address will be sent to the mod_view module that displays images in a GUI. Dark subtraction is done with the files dark_path and dark_stddev that are described on the Preparatory steps wiki page. Important parameters are:

  • n_update: GUI will only display every Nth event (every 120th image, in this example).
  • n_collate: GUI will display an average image over the last N events (last 60 events, in this example).

Critical step: Please press the Run/Pause (green) button in the GUI to make the action start.