2014 Prerequisites

From cctbx_xfel
Revision as of 21:55, 18 August 2014 by Aaron (talk | contribs) (First set of info for the workshop. Work in progress.)
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We would like all users at the BioXFEL workshop to be using the same set of cctbx.xfel sources. To this end, please be sure you do not source any locally downloaded or installed phenix or cctbx versions in your .bashrc or .cshrc files. Instead, follow the instructions below to use the sources installed for general users at SLAC.

You may find the general overview to be useful first.

Set up PSDM

The Photon Science Data Management (PSDM) system provides pyana, and is required for reading the raw data saved by the CSPAD detector. Follow the instructions at Set up PSDM software first, using the PSDM suite installed at SLAC.

Set up cctbx.xfel