2017 Tutorials
Feb 16th
9:00am: Session 1
Nick Sauter: Welcome and "Trials and tribulations merging still image data"
Aaron Brewster: "Metrology and non-isomorphism: hidden challenges in still image data reduction"
Axel Brunger: "Data processing of XFEL data from a limited number of crystals"
10:20am: Break
10:40am: Session 2
Art Lyubimov: "IOTA: Integration optimization, triage and analysis tool for XFEL data processing"
Monarin Uervirojnangkoorn: "Up and Running with Prime"
Jacques-Philippe Colletier: "Mosquito larvicide BinAB revealed by de novo phasing with an X-ray laser"
James Holton: "What if? Using at-scale image simulations to optimize data processing algorithms"
Noon: Working Lunch - Roundtable discussion of data processing challenges
1:00pm: Session 3
Graeme Winter and Richard Gildea: "DIALS - new methods for processing X-ray diffraction data"
James Parkhurst: "Robust background modelling in the presence of outliers in DIALS"
Jan Kern: TBD
Franklin Fuller: "Drop-by-Drop Transient Serial Crystallography of Metalloenzymes at an X-ray free electron laser"
Iris Young: "Room temperature studies of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II using an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL)"
2:40pm: Break
3:00pm: Session 4
Aina Cohen: TBD
Rahel Woldeyes: "Using X-ray Free Electron lasers to visualize solvent in the M2 proton channel"
Danny Axford: "Highly efficient serial data collection from high-density fixed targets"
Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann: "Serial Synchrotron Crystallography at the ESRF using a high viscosity extruder"
Allen Orville: TBD
Feb 17th
9am: Tutorials 1
Aaron Brewster and Iris Young: cctbx.xfel Break: 10:00 am
10:15 am: Tutorials 2
- Aaron Brewster and James Parkhurst: dials.stills_process
- Art Lyubimov: IOTA
- Monarin Uervirojnangkoorn: PRIME
- Nick Sauter: cxi.merge
12:15pm-2:30pm: Round table discussion.
Topics will include: Is the current software meeting needs? What are essential/timely avenues most useful for near-term development (first half of 2017)? Where should we be going next (longer term future)? Time resolved experiments? Synchrotron serial crystallography?
2:30-4pm: Breakout sessions:
users work with developers and instructors on their own data. Hands-on walkthroughs and data analysis.