Configure cctbx.xfel from existing Phenix install

From cctbx_xfel
Revision as of 21:29, 22 April 2016 by Mona (talk | contribs) (I removed extra installation steps for prime.)
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Much of the code to run cctbx.xfel is already bundled in the latest phenix installers. The only missing package is DIALS. Here's how to get cctbx.xfel configured from an existing Phenix installation.

Note: this only applies to processing individual stills. Functionality to read XTC streams from LCLS is not included when using this procedure.

Once Phenix is installed and sourced correctly:

 cd <path to phenix installation>/modules
 git clone
 cd ../build
 libtbx.configure xfel

All cctbx.xfel modules are now scipy free. The installation method described here should work without any installation of other third-party software.